Lions Charitable Eye Hospital & Institute, Chattogram

Are you tired of living with poor eyesight, but can’t afford expensive treatments?Chattogram Lions eye hospital is here to help! We host many free Eye Camp across many chattogram upazilas. At this camp, our team of experienced eye doctors will provide free eye check-ups and consultations to help you understand the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

Whether you’re suffering from cataracts, glaucoma, or just need a new prescription for glasses, our Eyecamp is the perfect opportunity to get the help you need. We’ll also be providing free eye drops and medications for those who need them.

Plus, our team will be available to answer any questions you may have about eye health, so you can leave feeling empowered and informed about how to take care of your eyes.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to improve your vision and overall eye health! Contact us today to learn more about our free Eyecamp and to schedule an eyecamp in your locality.